Here are links to some family organisations and media which we often visit and who have web pages in English:
The Mireja Institute
Our think-tank on welfare and development through family. Has been very internationally active since 2010.
Haro for Freedom of Choice, Equality and Parenthood
(Riksorganisationen Haro för valfrihet, jämställdhet och föräldraskap)
Sweden's oldest and biggest organisation for home parenting, founded 1981.
The Swedish Association for Home Education
(Rohus – Riksorganisationen för Hemundervisning i Sverige)
Sweden's newly founded organisation to protect home education in Sweden.
Swedish Association for Children's Right to Their Parents
(Barnens Rätt Till Föräldrarnas Tid)
Their web site has a comprehensive set of links to articles in English.
Full-time mothers
A British organisation with a great list of links to British newspaper articles.
Kids first – Parents association of Canada
A Canadian organisation with a wealth of links to research and articles.
Mouvement Mondial des Méres
World Movement of Mothers, an international NGO organising 64 associations in 40 countries.
Mothering Magazine – The Magazine of Natural Family Living
Great American magazine on home family life.
Children need parents
An Australian organisation working to support home parenting.
Home Education Magazine
Great American magazine on Home Education and Home Schooling.
Education Otherwise
British Organisation supporting Home Education in Britain.
Home School Legal Defence Association – HSLDA
US organisation supporting Home Schooling in the US and around the world.