This is a Swedish web site focusing on personal growth, family and children.
We believe a new paradigm is on the way acknowledging attachment and love as a key to learning and growth.
There is a new interest in how to see life today. More people discover that material consumption does not satisfy emotional or spiritual hunger. Where do we turn to? The value of personal growth and close intimate relationships have been "forgotten" for many years in parts of the Western world.
The West has endured 150 years of hard work creating a knowledge society where today industrial robots do much of the donkey work. So it is time to become human again and acknowledge inner growth, relationships, family, emotions, inner convictions, intuition, love and Spirit. Many people find new values in life as they approach the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
We have a solid experience from life in Sweden around these topics, and want to make our Swedish site available in English for international readers.
By international measures Sweden is a very tiny country. With just over nine million inhabitants, Sweden has only 0,15% of the worlds population. Still Sweden is perhaps the worlds most famous well-fare state. Sweden often tops studies on good life, health and longevity. Swedes enjoy a high standard of living. But in the knowledge society drawbacks in the areas of personal growth, family and children are becoming visible. The symptoms include relatively high levels of sick-leave, early retirements and a decreasing psychological health among our youth.
Recent studies have shown that Sweden is the worlds most unusual country in two specific aspects; family and religion. Sweden is perhaps the most secular country in the world as well as the Western country with the least focus on family. In Sweden the State has taken over many of the functions of the family.
Jonas has written a book on the subject which you can read about here. Among other themes, the book explores the connections between Swedish family policies and the stress related health problems among adults and the declining psychological health among our youth.
True happiness is about authentic relationships with yourself and others. That is what The Happy Company is about.
Jonas Himmelstrand & Tamara Himmelstrand
PS. Most of our activities today are made in the name of The Mireja Institute. You will find all information at DS.